Common Problems With Home Security Quotes Over The Phone

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While many people opt for a UPVC door locks or home security system with a monthly contract to make certain they have the latest in cutting-edge technology, there are still some that may be eligible for a one-time installation fee. To find out if this is an option for you, let’s look at what the benefits and drawbacks of buying or leasing your alarm are.

Home Security Quotes

What is Home Security System?

The term “home security system” is used quite often, but many people aren’t sure what exactly they are. It is important to note that “home security system” can refer to many different things:

  1. The alarm system itself, which can be either standalone or part of a larger package that also includes such features as security cameras, access controls, and/or monitoring services.
  2. Installation services for a standalone alarm system.
  3. Installation and monitoring services for a larger package that includes a standalone alarm system.
  4. Buying or leasing a remote monitoring service from the provider of your security system.
  5. Buying or leasing access controls and/or other devices when your security system is provided by the same company that provides your alarm system.

All these things can be referred to as “home security systems”, but there are also many other types of home security products, such as locking systems, windows, bike locks, and even package delivery locks, UPVC door locks can be added to the list with their own features that are important for their particular functions. The main point of the home security system is to make the areas around you more secure, and it can be beneficial to use remote monitoring services to check in on your property.

Home Security Systems: The Costs

There are basically two ways that a home security system can be purchased – with a monthly service contract or a one-time installation fee. The monthly service contract is essentially an ongoing monthly payment that supplies you with the equipment and installation services for your system. With this type of service, you will pay a premium price for the convenience of getting a fixed price without worrying about any additional costs that may arise down the road.

Benefits of Buying Your Home Security System:

*You Own Your System—Many people make the mistake of assuming that leasing their alarm systems means they will own them when their installment contracts come to an end, but as it turns out, these monthly fees cover only the monitoring service. In essence, you will have to pay the security provider a large sum of money to buy out your monitoring contract, since the alarm system is considered their property.

With a one-time installation fee, you own the entire system from top to bottom. If a problem arises with your system and you want to upgrade it or add new components, you can do so for a much lower cost than what it would cost if you had signed up for one of their monthly service contracts.

*Fewer Contracts –

Some people do not like being tied down by long-term contracts and prefer flexibility instead of committing themselves to an expensive monthly service plan. Those leasing their security systems are in this position, as they cannot upgrade their system whenever they want to and must maintain the equipment for its predetermined life span. They are also required to keep paying for monitoring services every month in order to fully own the system.

*Monitoring Service –

The monthly service contracts typically provide you with a remote monitoring service that lets you see exactly how your system is performing on a regular basis. The one-time installation fee would allow you to simply have the parts installed and pay off the fees (or any additional costs) on a yearly basis, leaving you free of any complicated service contracts in return for only having to pay a one-time installation fee upfront.

*Higher Level of Technology –

When you are leasing your system, it could take a few months of planning to choose the features you need. With a monthly service contract, you may have to wait until the product is being discontinued before you can buy one with the features you want and need. This means that some people may not be able to afford their desired technology for a few years, leading them down a path of frustration and unnecessary expense.

Common Problems With Home Security Quotes Over The Phone:

1) Misleading Quotes –

Because there are so many different features to choose from, it is possible for a security company to use a confusing quote to force you into a more expensive contract.

2) One-Time Installation Costs –

Many security companies will make it appear that you are getting the equipment for free, whereas in reality you are paying much more than the equipment even costs in monthly installment fees.

3) Hidden Advantages–

You may think that you have found a good deal on an alarm system, but these types of quotes can often hide hidden charges that end up raising the overall price of the system. The installation fees can sometimes be hidden or unclear, as can the monitoring fees and other add-ons.


If you are looking to get a home security system or UPVC door locks on a budget, you should definitely go with the one-time installation fee service. Buying your equipment outright will save you money in the long run. This will allow you to make any necessary upgrades when necessary and avoid being held hostage by one company for a long-term contract.


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